Barn Owls Explore the Skies in Art

Date: 3rd Jan 2021 @ 11:44am


Barn Owls explored the creation of skies in their art linking to our geography unit on climate.  First the children looked at the work of Turner and works by Tom Phillips who currently exhibits work in the Tate Gallery.  The children focused on the mood of the skies and we highlighted that they are not always blue with fluffy white clouds!

The children looked at and discussed the cloud formation in 1970 as a response piece in their sketchbooks and discussed the environmental element and messages in Tom Phillip's work.


In Week 2 the children discussed the colours we might see in different skies and created a variety of sky samples in their sketch books using water colours.  They also explored the use of salt on water colours to create pattern and texture such as in this link.

After producing their main watercolour background the class added clouds using a printing technique with cotton wool.  In the final weeks the children searched for words to reflect their piece in newspapers and added the words thinking carefully about the placing and arrangement.  The final piece has been included in their curriculum books and the children have produced a range of individual pieces whilst developing a number of skills.


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