Chaffinches Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Larbey

Mrs Cobb

Welcome to Reception's Class Page 2023-2024!

Summer 1

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Our Topic is 'Under the sea and On the beach'

Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely May half term. We cannot believe that this is the final half term of reception! As summer is now here we will be looking a all things to do with the sea. From boats to sea creatures and beach to pirates, all themed around our beautiful text 'The Storm Whale'. We will be reading this lovely story which will inspire our writing over the term. Within Maths, we will be looking at a variety different areas whilst consolidating our number knowledge to 10. These will include, adding and taking away, sharing and grouping, doubling and odd or even.


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Phonics is the system we use to teach children to read and we do this using ELS (Essential Letters and Sounds). It teaches children the link between letters and the sounds they represent. Your child will be taught the most straightforward letters, and the sounds they make. For example, they will be taught that the letter ‘m’ represents an mmm sound and the letters ‘oa’ represent an oh sound. They will learn how sounds can be put together (blend) to make words. For example, they will learn that the sounds of the letters ‘m-a-t’ blend together to make the word ‘mat’. Your child will then learn more sounds and will start blending them too.

Please try and read with your child at home as much as possible as this really benefits with consolidating new taught sounds. Also reading to your child and talking about the pictures will really start to help your child develop a love for books!


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Maths is so much fun! The way in which Maths is taught is through taking one number at a time! We look at each number in it's individual form and in all the ways it is represented. For example when we look at number 1 we look at how it is written as a word, a digit, we will explore pennies and circles, tally marks, dice and much much more! In reception is is important to make deep foundations with the numbers 0-20, so then our children are completely confident with the number bonds and ways in which these numbers can be played around using additon and subtraction. The children use lots of practical resources in our Maths lessons in order for them to consolidate their learning and delve deeper. We love to sing in our Maths lessons as the children really engage with this; especially 'Jack Hardman Subitising'! 


Working Together

You know your child better than anyone, which is why at Cuddington we work on developing positive relationships with parents. We use the app called Tapestry so that parents can see what their child has been engaging in and learning about in school. Your can also upload your weekend adventures onto here, so we can see what you have been up to. Our Stay & Play sessions are also a great opportunity to see your child in their school environment and also to chat to other parents.

Our Stay & Play session will be on Friday mornings at 8:40-9:10am. We love to see as many parents and carers there! 

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Please feel free to ask us any questions you might have or email. Mrs Larbey will teach the children Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Mrs Cobb Thursday and Friday. Mrs Jennings is with our children everyday. 


Mrs Larbey

P.E Lead & Reception Teacher


Mrs Cobb

RE & Music Lead

Reception Teacher











































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