Barn Owls Year 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Michiels

Mrs Henderson

Mrs Austin

Curriculum learning Summer 2

BO Summer 2 overview.JPG


A warm welcome to Barn Owls’ class and Key Stage 2! I hope you have all had a lovely break and are ready for your last enriching term in Year 3.

This term, P.E. lessons will take place on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that your child brings in the correct P.E. kit and trainers every Monday morning. During the Summer term, it is advisable that children bring a sun hat for when we venture outside.
Please make sure that all P.E. clothing is labelled clearly, so lost items can be returned to their rightful owner.
Also, provide a water bottle and waterproof coat for your child daily.

Barn Owls’ class will be taught by Mrs Austin on a Wednesday this term.
Mrs Henderson will carry out interventions and assist our class where needed.

Reading, Spelling and Maths homework will be set each Friday and is due the following Wednesday. There will be 2 pieces of homework for your child to complete. One in writing and one via an online learning platform. Please support your child with completing their homework and handing it in on time.

Daily reading at home is essential, and we advise that children in Lower Key Stage 2 regularly read for 15 minutes to encourage a love for reading and authors, to develop new vocabulary and strengthen their writing skills. Whilst listening to your child, ask them questions about events that have happened so far, characters' thoughts and motives and to make accurate predictions based on the text as this will develop their comprehension skills.

To keep up to date with what is happening in our class, make sure you regularly check our school's X (Twitter) feed.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact me using the email address below.

It’s going to be another exciting term in Barn Owls!

Kind Regards,

Miss S Michiels
Barn Owls’ Class Teacher
History and Geography Lead
Design & Technology Lead
Strategic Academic Curriculum


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